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The term Internet of Things was proposed by Kevin Ashton in 1999 according to Wikipedia. I think the most fitting definition is: Internet of Things (IoT) is an integrated part of Future Internet and could be defined as a dynamic global network infrastructure with self configuring capabilities based on standard and interoperable communication protocols where physical and virtual ‘things’ have identities, physical attributes, and virtual personalities and use intelligent interfaces, and are seamlessly integrated into the information network.

augmented world‘s insight:

1) AR will transform contextual data and move beyond mobile computing Read this article: The Future Of Technology Isn’t Mobile, It’s Contextual and you will understand exactly what I am talking about. What better way to digest contextual content then through AR. The “Internet of Things” only captures a sliver of what is to come! Yea, I’m stoked!


2) AR mixed with Artificial Intelligence will make Siri look like a game of Pong Siri is child’s play compared the true potential of Artificial Intelligence. Your virtual assistant will be on steroids as your Augmented assistant squawks petabytes of relevant commands and information that you never dreamed of. Did I just compare Siri with Pong?


3) AR will bring the Matrix, Minority Report, and gestural interfaces into one We all remember the movie “The Matrix” where the good guys can download a program instantly to learn how to fly a helicopter. As Augmented Reality merges with gestural interfaces, a new powerful ability will unfold to teach use to become Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in realtime. Leap Motion, META, and other gestural interfaces will bring the world of SciFi to reality. I would argue that it far surpasses the “Internet of Things!”


4) AR mixed with facial recognition, object tracking, and social proximity with revolutionize social networking Pay attention to Polar Rose (acquired by Apple), Viewdle,, and other facial recognition start-ups and soon you will begin to understand the power of facial recognition and Augmented Reality. Soon law enforcement agencies will be able to identify criminals on the fly with the push of a button on the iPhone., Sonar, Grindr and other social proximity networks will capitalize on the convergence of new technologies including Augmented Reality.


5) AR will create the ultimate Easter Egg hunt every day of our lives When AR matures it will create the ultimate Easter Egg hunt for the masses. Wearable Technology will revolutionize technology like never seen before. Through my lectures, I try to impress upon my audiences that a new digital universe will hover under our noses, invisible to the naked eye. Digital messages, and electronic content will be placed in every nook and cranny in the real world. Your AR wearables will be the key to unlocking this vast array of information and markings that goes way beyond the “Internet of Things.”

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