See on Scoop.itaugmented world

Thanks to Metaio’s technology (Metaio Toolbox and Creator), we can use augmented reality and a virtual assistant to learn to use the power panel.Metaio Toolbox is an application, empowering you to create or edit 3D tracking maps of all textured objects in your surrounding.

augmented world‘s insight:

Adrian Plata (Content Marketing Manager at metaio GmbH): “What exactly is being shown in the video?”

Mirko Compagno (Augmented Reality architect at THE ROUND Italy): “This video is a demo of a home power panel. If someone points his/her own mobile device to the power panel, some augmented reality labels will be disclosed. Labels indicate how to use the different switches. A virtual assistant is positioned near the boiler switch. The virtual assistant explains how to service a boiler. As it is a demo, we created only a video for boiler maintenance. Otherwise, our idea is to associate a virtual assistant’s audio and video to explain each switch.”

Adrian Plata: “What is this application for? What are you trying to accomplish with it?”


Mirko Compagno: ”A company has required this AR application demo. The basic idea is to offer an augmented reality useful home maintenance guide to the end user.”


Adrian Plata: "How long have you used Metaio technology? Are there any other projects using our tech that you can share?"


Mirko Compagno: “We have been using Metaio for about 4 years. Here are some examples;

A Celebration of Galileo’s 450th Birthday:

performed at the event “WELCOMING CITIES, The new cities: smart and eco-friendly (

Celebrating Giuseppe Verdi’s 200th Birthday:

Augmented reality for Newspapers:

Adrian Plata: “I browsed through your website briefly and noticed you guys feature another tool. Why are you using Metaio for this project as opposed them?


Mirko Compagno: At the beginning, we made use of other tools for some projects. However, Metaio can offer more opportunities for a developer, and this is the reason why Metaio is now the primary technology for our AR projects. 


click here to watch “Using Augmented Reality Virtual Assistant” video.

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