Technology sector fueled by evolving social media landscape, company announces significant acuisition: Next Galaxy Corp. (OTC: WILS), Facebook Ink. (NASDAQ: FB), Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ: MSFT), Sony Corporation (NYSE: SNE) and LinkedIn Corporation (NYSE: LNKD)

Next Galaxy Corp. (OTCQB: WILS), a leading technology and content solutions company developing dynamic, innovative experiences for consumers, is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement with EON Reality to create CEEK – a fully immersive and interactive social virtual reality platform ( that simulates the communal experience of being at a movie, music concert, sports game, museum, business conference or meeting, spectator event or travel destination. 



The CEEK platform is being developed for the Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) owned Oculus Rift with support for other head mounted displays such as the ZEISS Cinemizer and Sony’s (NYSE: SNE) Project Morpheus.


EON Reality, the world’s leading provider of Virtual Reality software, systems and applications, will provide software and turnkey VR development to be integrated into the CEEK platform in order to enable a fully interactive Social Virtual Reality experience for CEEK users. The relationship with EON Reality provides deep access to the framework in order to create custom features that extend the functionality of the core EON Reality software.EON Reality will also offer CEEK operational oversight, ongoing support and updates, as well as EON’s SDK and EON’s communication suites that enable communication between virtual environments.

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