All the focus in the virtual reality space might be on VR headsets like Oculus Rift, Valve, Samsung Gear VR and more, but the brand which is right now dominating the VR space is Unity 5. If you keep yourself updated with virtual reality news, you might already be aware of this. However, for those who are yet unknown about Unity Technologies’ software; the Unity 5 is a multiplatform game engine which was unveiled a few days back. While companies like Oculus, Samsung, HTC, Sony, etc are all busy developing VR headsets, Unity has developed this game engine which can create games on all of these devices.



Paving the Path for VR Gaming and VR Experiences


As new virtual reality devices are developed by the big companies, Unity Technologies, based in San Francisco has created Unity 5, which will pave the path for virtual reality experiences and gaming. John Riccitiello, CEO of the company said “At least 90, if not 95 percent, of all content built so far for VR has been built on Unity, which gives you a sense of our market position.


The promise of VR is in these super powerful headsets that change your experience. If you try a demo from Valve or Oculus or even the Microsoft HoloLens, they’re not just good, they’re staggering. We’re going to see a giant industry grow up and at the center of that industry is going to be the Unity development tool set.”


According to Riccitiello, entertainment will be changed with augmented and virtual reality in the next 4 or 5 years. However, the technology that supports them is still in its infancy and a commercial product is yet to be shipped by any company.

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