Galaxy Explorer, the winning app idea for HoloLens in Microsoft’s “Share Your Idea” contest, is finally coming to life in the latest episode of the YouTube mini-series chronicling its development. 

If you didn’t follow the development process from the beginning, Galaxy Explorer is an award-winning space exploration app that will allow users to travel in the Milky Way and visit the surface of planets by using HoloLens AR capabilities and gestures. 

The app is also a learning tool as it is designed to provide scientific information about the galaxy and all the planets that users can virtually visit. During last week’s previous episode, the Galaxy Explorer team explained how it needed to refine the HoloLens experience to get a nod of approval from Microsoft’s Creative Director of Devices and Studios. 

But this week’s episode is all about “the hardest week of the project” as the team finishes the last week of development and prepares for two more weeks of polish work. It’s very interesting to hear the team reflect on the progress they’ve made so far and all the obstacles that they had to surpass in just six weeks of development. 

The development team is still excited to open-source the Galaxy Explorer code as Senior Program Manager Jessica Zahn shares that “this project will be successful if people download the code and go and build incredible things that we haven’t thought of ever before for HoloLens.” Stay tuned as we may hear more about Galaxy Explorer during Build 2016 next week.

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